TAXES FOR REVENUE ARE OBSOLETE - by Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
From the Web:
- Another Attack on Liberty (attempted OSHA regulations to regulate home-workers)
- Walter Williams,
- Retail Socialism
- Thomas Sowell,
- Black Confederates
- Walter Williams,
- The Worst of the Century
- Thomas Sowell,
- On Democracy and Liberty
- Walter Williams,
- Are you "over-lawyered"? New site documents corruption in the practice of law.
- Reducing Crime is Not the True Aim of the Gun-Control Crowd
- The Orlando Sentinel
- 'Technicalities' That Keep Us Free
- Nat Hentoff,
- Our 'Americanism'-Ignorant Generation
- Nat Hentoff,
- Newspeak Update: Russia's Linguistic Deception
- J. R. Nyquist,
- Forced to Volunteer - Dr. Sowell defines modern "liberalism"
- By Thomas Sowell
- Don't Fall for Phony "Patent Reform"
- by Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum.
- Wow! New Collection of Historical Documents Online!
- Courtesy of The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
- Expect to see many new links throughout LEXREX as we integrate this resource.
- State Sovereignty
- by Walter Williams
- Numbers of casualties in Kosovo "exaggerated"
- Guns in School - What can we learn from the experience?
- Jews for the Protection of Firearms
- Parents Win Victory Over Nosy Surveys
- by Phyllis Schlafly
- An Armed Citizenry and Liberty
- by Walter Williams
- How is complete gun control working in Australia after one year?
- Sport Shooter's Association, Australia
- "This impeachment is pure partisan politics! ...blah blah blah... The trial must be finished expeditiously! ...blah blah blah..." Read Thomas Sowell's response in A Trial is a Trial is a Trial
Federal Agents and Prosecutors Routinely Break the Law and Violate Ethics Standards?
- Associated Press
- Impeachment standards.
- By Thomas Sowell
- The Founder's Intent concerning Impeachment
- By George Will. Appears on the Washington Post website.
- Jack Rakove's Rendition of Original Meaning
- Raoul Berger comments on the book Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution (1996) (Rakove, Jack N.). Courtesy of the Indiana Law Journal.
- President Clinton meets with his "higher power"...
- Transcript of speech from The White House website.
- NEA in Top Ten of Political Action Committees
- Written by Phyllis Schlafly.
- More Guns = Less Crime? Read this debate transcript.
- Courtesy of Time and Yahoo Chat.
Repair the Bridge to the 18th Century!
Looking back: "The price of Liberty..."
Historical articles:
Universal Peace - Published February 2, 1792. The Founders considered this concept before the U.N. did?
Revolution - Published January 26, 1792. Would you like violence and chaos with your revolution? No, I'll just have the decaf.
TAXES FOR REVENUE ARE OBSOLETE - by Beardsley Ruml, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.